What about the youth? Policy paper on the escalation of conflicts in western sahara and the sahrawi refugee camps in tindouf
This policy paper offers an evaluation of the risk of escalation of violence in Western Sahara either, specifically for the population living in the refugee camps, particularly since the ceasefire’s interruption.
Vivian Solana
This policy paper offers an evaluation of the risk of escalation of violence in Western Sahara either, specifically for the population living in the refugee camps, particularly since the ceasefire’s interruption. Based on conversations with a diverse group of Sahrawis, most of them belonging to the generation that most vocally demanded the Polisario´s return to armed struggle, it has allowed us to assess the perceived gains and losses of this decision they are identifying so far, and how this could impact the rise of violence in Western Sahara.
More specifically, this policy paper aims to:
- Develop a diagnostic of the factors that could further increase and/or mitigate the escalation of violence in Western Sahara and the Sahrawi refugee camps in Algeria.
- Identify key actors for the mitigation and resolution of this violence.
- Identify the degree of social polarization vis-à-vis the political process’ current organisation.
- Offer a series of recommendations and concrete operational actions at the political and social level that could help prevent the escalation of further violence in Western Sahara.
After considering the results of points 1 to 3, based on recommendations from interviewees, the recommendations on point 4 have been designed between the author of this policy paper, Vivian Solana, and two members of NOVACT’S technical team, Mahfud Bechri and Lucille Maybon.