Reports 15/05/2023

Human Rights Violations on Spain’s Southern Border

The report “Human Rights Violations on Spain’s Southern Border 2021-2022 – Institutional racism, borders and migration policy”. This report has been coordinated by Novact and Irídia, along with the collaboration of more than a dozen organizations. It presents a qualitative analysis of the various violations of rights detected in the border between Spain and North Africa.

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Collaborating entities

Novact i Irídia amb GAC i ODHE. En col·laboració amb: Algeciras Acoge, APDHA, Aquí Estamos Tenerife, Asociación Elín, Coordinadora de Barrios, Geum Dudou, M.D.L.R, No Name Kitchen, Oxfam Intermón, Plataforma CIEs no Algeciras, Programa Ödos (Fundación EMET), Proyecto Frontera Sur, Red de Solidaridad con las Personas Migrantes en Lanzarote, Red Interlavapies, Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes, SIR[a], Solidary Wheels, Valiente Bangla


Andrés García Berrio, Clara Calderó Delgado, Irene Urango Montilla, Irina Samy Cucurull, Maite Daniela Lo Coco, Siham Jessica Korriche, Aina Estarellas Roca.

The document focuses on the main violations of rights of migrants who entered the Spanish State irregularly during the years 2021 and 2022, paying special attention to the situation in Ceuta, Melilla, the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands, Andalusia and Murcia, as well as Morocco.

You can download the report and the executive summary.

It also aims to guide entities and institutions at the local and international level to understanding the complex dynamics of human rights violations that take place in the context.

The cornerstone of these rights violations is the lack of legal and safe ways to enter Europe, caused by the impossibility of requesting asylum at border posts or obtaining visas in the countries of origin. This causes people to move along dangerous and deadly sea routes or to take long routes through different countries, to finally try to access Spanish territory by crossing the fences of Ceuta and Melilla. At this particularly critical point, they face situations of violent repression that in many cases end up with pushbacks or their internment in temporary stay centers where severe rights violations are also detected.